Disability inclusion technical partnership with the Australian aid programme

News-iag, Project | November 19, 2021

CBM Global’s Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) and the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) have developed Did4ALL, an online help desk platform where DFAT staff can request short-term, tailored technical advice on disability inclusion. 

The Australia team of our Inclusion Advisory Group works together with the DFAT Canberra-based Disability, Indigenous and Social Inclusion Section (DIS) to help systematise and embed disability inclusion practice within the work of DFAT and its partners.

This is done through the provision of both short- and long-term demand-driven technical assistance and analytical support to design, implement, monitor and evaluate disability-inclusive policies and practice.

IAG provides disability inclusion advisory support towards four shared outcome areas:

  1. The disability inclusion awareness, capacity, policy and practice of DFAT and implementing partners is improved.
  2. Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) are supported to engage in and influence development processes.
  3. Evidence of good practice disability-inclusive development is collected, disseminated and used.
  4. Australia demonstrates global and regional leadership in disability inclusive development.

The partnership continues to build disability inclusion understanding and capacity amongst both DFAT staff and implementing partners. This increases the reach of Australia’s development program, the quality of life of people with disabilities and their contribution to economic development.

More information

Read more about the DFAT disability inclusion help desk

Find out more about IAG’s work in Australia

Learn about our disability inclusion help desk for World Food Programme

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