Our resources are classified into four broad categories. Resources can be sorted by these categories and specific sectoral themes where appropriate.

Disability movement
These resources are designed predominantly to support the disability movement to influence mainstream partners through advisory work. In addition to guidance and training packages, it includes lessons from our partnerships with the disability for advisory work.

Evidence and Learning
These resources collate evaluations and reflections on IAG’s overall work and impact, as well as from specific projects with mainstream partners. It includes resources developed as a result of our learning.

Capacity Development
This section includes workshop packages and training tools on specific sectors such inclusive Climate action and data, as well as guidance for designing workshops.

Guidance and Tools
A range of guidance and tools across different sectors and written for different audiences, including disability movement partners and mainstream development and humanitarian partners. Many support disability inclusive programming efforts.
Featured resources

Advisory services resource pack for Organisations of Persons with Disabilities
This set of eight resources has been developed to support OPDs engaging in advisory work. The suggestions and tools can be applied and adapted to suit different countries and contexts, and can be complemented by coaching, mentoring, peer exchange and opportunities to learn from experience.

Choose your own adventure Disaster Risk Reduction (Pacific)
An interactive game to encourage participants to think about opportunities for DI, and the potential consequences of missing DI opportunities, across the project cycle, for DRR-specific projects.

Guidelines for rights-based consultations with OPDs
This guidance note has been produced for OPDs to use with development and humanitarian organisations who may wish to consult with them on disability inclusion. It details key considerations for partners and clients to ensure they achieve effective and meaningful OPD engagement.