Who is CBM Global?
CBM Global Disability Inclusion works alongside and is accountable to people with disabilities in the world’s poorest places. We draw on more than 115 years’ experience to fight poverty and exclusion and transform lives. We work with the most marginalised in society to:
- Break the cycle of poverty and disability.
- Treat and prevent conditions that lead to disability.
- Build inclusive communities where everyone can enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential.
Our approach does not just look to bring about change and transformation at an individual level but we challenge systemic exclusion and discrimination faced by people with disabilities; a stark reality that the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed.
We maximise our impact by delivering a combination of inclusive community-based programmes, advocacy for national and global policy change and inclusion advice to other organisations.
World-leading expertise
Our work and world-leading expertise is focused on four core areas:
- Community based inclusive development
- Humanitarian action
- Inclusive eye health and neglected tropical diseases
- Community mental health.
Our programmes in Africa, Asia and Latin America are developed and delivered with local partner organisations to ensure long-term transformation and accountability in the communities we serve. We draw on learning and evidence from our community work to inform our advocacy and achieve systemic change for people with disabilities. We share our expertise, advising governments, UN bodies and others on how to ensure inclusion in their own organisations, policies and programmes through our Inclusion Advisory Group.
We always consider the intersection of gender and disability in our strategies, programmes, advisory and advocacy work.

Authentic partnerships
Authentic partnership with the disability movement underpins all we do. We’re deeply committed to working alongside people with disabilities and their representative organisations, and to the principle of ‘nothing about us without us’. We work with and support organisations of people with disabilities in our programmes, to ensure we meet the needs of, and are accountable to, the individuals and communities we serve. Our advocacy aims to support and amplify the voices of people with disabilities, from community to global level. Our advisory approach is undertaken with the best technical experts on disability inclusion – people with disabilities themselves.
Inclusion Advisory Group: Partnering to put inclusion into practice
We partner with the disability movement to influence organisations, institutions and systems to realise the rights of people with disabilities. We believe that tailored input that is communicated effectively with the right people at the table can help make inclusion a reality.

Our Members
CBM Global is a Federation, consisting of Members across the globe.