The CBM Global Federation at a glance
CBM Global is a Federation, consisting of Members across the globe and teams that have complementary roles and responsibilities, all cemented by shared values and a shared vision. We champion a Federation culture in which relationships, collaboration, mutual support, flexibility and trust are fundamental to the way we work.

Country Teams: Each Country Team is led by a Country Director. Country Teams have a central and strategic role: building partnerships and networks and engaging with the disability movement; shaping and delivering the country strategy in collaboration with partners, through a portfolio of community level programmes, advocacy and external advisory work; advocating, championing and modelling disability inclusion to promote inclusion of people with disabilities in their communities and in all aspects of society.
Member Teams: Each Federation Member organisation is led by a CEO. Members lead the work of CBM Global in their home countries: promoting and building awareness of CBM Global; supporting the development and oversight of projects and programmes spanning community level programmes, advocacy and external advisory work; raising funds and managing specific donor needs; advocating, championing and modelling disability inclusion; implementing external advisory work in conjunction with the Inclusion Advisory Group.
Technical Teams: Our technical teams lead CBM Global’s work in each respective technical area: setting and delivering the strategic direction and approach; establishing quality standards; providing technical input and support; gathering evidence and learning; influencing and providing advice to other organisations; leading on advocacy.
Secretariat: Operating in a decentralized way (in keeping with our pursuit of localisation there is no Head Office for CBM Global), the Secretariat team engages other entities in the Federation in a consultative and collaborative way: providing strategic leadership and central services for the Federation; establishing Federation policies, standards, procedures and ways of working; overseeing mechanisms for coordination and accountability; providing governance support for the Federation.
Governance: CBM Global’s governance structure supports mutual accountability to and by multiple stakeholders; from people with lived experience of disability, to, from and between Members, and to the supporters and regulatory bodies to whom Members are responsible. The Board is appointed by Federation Members represented by their Member Representatives in General Meetings. The Board comprises a maximum of 9 board members of which 6 board members are appointees of the Federation Members and 3 are independent board members.

Meet our Country Directors

Meet our Technical Directors

Meet our Secretariat Leads

Meet our Board of Directors

Meet our Member CEOs