These workshop materials were developed with the support of UNFPA Asia and the Pacific, in collaboration with the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities, the International Disability Alliance, the Centre for Inclusive Policy and national and regional organizations of persons with disabilities, including the ASEAN Disability Forum and Pacific Disability Forum
Drawing in part on the Disability Data Advocacy Toolkit, workshop materials have been developed to introduce the basic concepts and skills on disability data to OPDs and their members and to support applying these in the local context.
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By engaging in the workshop, participants will learn to:
- Identify sources of disability data and the best approaches for its collection and analysis.
- Review and research available local data.
- Advocate for data collection and investment in better data.
- Use data to support evidence-based advocacy.
The workshop materials are:
- Designed for virtual use, but can be easily adapted for other formats.
- Grouped into four convenient packages to support easy use and distribution
- Introduction
- Guidance for host organisations
- Facilitators package
- Participants package
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Downloadable resources

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Guidance for host organisations

Section 3 - Workshop facilitator materials

Section 4 - Participant's package
Sección 1 - Introducción
Sección 2 - Orientación para las organizaciones anfitrionas
Sección 3 - Materiales para el facilitador del taller
Sección 4 - Paquete del participante
PowerPoint Presentations
Session 1 Slides
Session 2 Slides
Session 3 Slides
Session 4 Slides
Session 5 Slides
Session 6 Slides
Session 7 Slides
Sesión 1
Sesión 2
Sesión 3
Sesión 4
Sesión 5
Sesión 6
Sesión 7