CBM Global has the following memberships and affiliations:
- International Disability & Development Consortium
- UN Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (secondment/official staff exchange)
- United States International Council on Disabilities
- Charter for Change
- Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development
- Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities
- Inclusive Data Charter
- Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
- The Leave No One Behind Partnership
- The CALP Network (Cash Learning Partnership)
- The Humanitarian Standard Partnership (HSP)
- The Humanitarian Disability Charter
- Global Protection Cluster Task Team on Cash for Protection
- CHS Alliance
- World Rehabilitation Alliance
- International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
- Global SPECS Network
- Neglected Tropical Disease NGO Network
- International Coalition for Trachoma Control
- NGDO Coordination Group for Onchocerciasis Control
- Inter Agency Standing Committee reference group on mental health and psychosocial support, thematic sub groups for Inclusion and for MHPSS, DRR and Climate Change (co-chair)
- Disability Inclusive Climate Action Research Advisory Network
- Climate Action Network (CAN) International
- The Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations
- Keeping Children Safe