Authentic partnership with the disability movement underpins all we do. We’re deeply committed to working alongside people with disabilities and their representative organisations, and to the principle of “nothing about us without us”. We work with and support organisations of people with disabilities in our programmes, to ensure we meet the needs of, and are accountable to, the individuals and communities we serve. Our advocacy aims to support and amplify the voices of people with disabilities, from community to global level. Our advisory approach is undertaken with the best technical experts on disability inclusion – people with disabilities themselves.

Partnership is at the heart of our work

We believe that our mission of fighting to end the cycle of poverty and disability can only be achieved through partnership. We welcome a diverse range of partners who not only complement each other’s expertise, they also provide contextual understanding, and open the path to local and international programmatic and advocacy networks and alliances. In partnership we unite efforts, promote ownership and share accountability. We mutually learn, build capacity and achieve greater impact.

Learn more about our Partner Feedback Exercise

Partnering with and accountable to the Disability Movement

We’re deeply committed to working alongside people with disabilities and their representative organisations. We take very seriously the principle of “nothing about us without us”. We work with and support organisations of people with disabilities in our programmes, to ensure we meet the needs of, and are accountable to, the individuals and communities we serve. CBM Global is a strong and consistent ally working with and alongside the disability movement. We work with Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) on their local priorities through co-development of responses and strategies and we invite accountability for the way we work.

We work closely with a range of global and regional OPDs, including:

African Disability Forum logo

Learn more about our Charter4Change Commitments

Rebalancing power

We always work with local partner organisations rather than implementing projects directly. In our approach to partnership, we are committed to rebalancing power and challenging the negative ‘donor-recipient’ dynamics that are so often associated with traditional NGO partnerships. We recognise that building an inclusive world requires us to address deep-rooted inequality and injustice and to promote inclusion in keeping with our values. We are committed to authentic partnership and ensuring strong representation of people with disabilities and voices from the Global South at all levels within our work.

The CBM Global board has approved a set of localisation commitments in support of our strategic priority to rebalance power. These are in alignment with our external commitments and affiliations, including the Charter4Change and Core Humanitarian Standard. An action plan is in place to track progress and report to the board.

Learn more about our localisation commitments

a) Partnerships based on respect and trust

Our partners, including OPDs, are key to effecting change from grassroots  to global level. We commit to long-term allyship based on mutual respect and trust, shaped by listening and responding to our partners’ priorities and fostering shared learning and growth.

b)  Stronger and more sustainable partners

We’ll work with our partners to become stronger organisations and more sustainable. We’ll work alongside them to design plans that meet their specific needs and priorities, taking into account the local challenges faced by the disability movement, including those groups most left behind.

c) More equitable programmes

We’ll champion diverse, equitable and inclusive programme approaches that recognize power dynamics at all levels and focus on those most left behind. We’ll acknowledge and value the strengths and inputs of everyone involved, including partners and OPDs, communities, and CBM Global itself.  

d) Co-owned strategies

Local communities and organisations are central to a more just world. Our Federation Strategy and Country Strategies will be created and tracked together with a diverse group of partners, including OPDs.

e) Complementary roles and responsibilities

We’ll ensure CBM Global staff roles and responsibilities complement and add value to our partners’ work without doubling up or competing with them.

f) Collaborative and respectful communications and publicity

We’ll highlight the important role of our partners and work with them to create content that credits them as implementers and influencers and showcases their role to our supporters, donors, and broader networks, avoiding undignified representation or reinforcing stereotypes.


Partnership Principles

CBM Global has six partnership principles that ground all that we do. We strive to adhere to these in all aspects of our work and want to be held accountable to these principles:

Complementarity of purpose


Responsiveness & Flexibility

Mutual Responsibility & Accountability

Trust & Respect

Joint Learning

To read more about our partnership principles download our Approach to Partnership

Receiving feedback and complaints

CBM Global is committed to being fully accountable to people with disabilities and all stakeholders that are impacted by our work. We welcome and respond to any type of feedback, including suggestions and complaints, in order to be accountable to all we work with and who may be affected by our work; most importantly people with disabilities and their communities, as well as our partners. 

As outlined in our Partnership Principles, effective partnership also involves recognising that power imbalances exist, and in our partnerships we seek to demonstrate and encourage the attitudes and styles of working to change this dynamic.

For more information please read our feedback mechanisms