CBM Global is now a Charter 4 Change signatory

News | February 6, 2023

CBM Global is very pleased to have been confirmed as a Charter 4 Change signatory.

What is Charter 4 Change?

The Charter 4 Change is an initiative for organisations to practically implement changes to the way the humanitarian system operates that enable more locally-led responses, with southern-based national actors playing an increased and more prominent role. It sets out eight commitments relating to localisation for a humanitarian context, but the commitments are applicable in all areas of work. Currently, over 40 international non-government organisations (INGOs) have signed up to the eight commitments, supported by over 600 local and national NGOs who endorse the charter and hold signatories accountable.

David Bainbridge, CBM Global Executive Director says: 

“The Charter4Change commitments are very much aligned with CBM Global’s partnership approach and our drive towards authentic partnership with the disability movement. We are on an exciting journey in rebalancing power and decision making within our Federation and with our partners and our commitments with Charter4Change will provide further momentum and accountability.”

Edwin Osundwa, CBM Global Kenya Country Director says:

“It is very satisfying to observe partner organisations with whom we work here in Kenya, including organisations of persons with disabilities, having an increasingly strong voice in decision making in our partnerships. This is core to realising our vision of an inclusive world in which all people with disabilities enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential. There is much more still to be done and we look forward to working with and learning from other Charter4Change signatories in our pursuit of becoming more locally-led.”

Here is a summary of the eight Charter 4 Change commitments and our planned activities around each:

Point 1. Increase direct funding to national and local NGOs for humanitarian action

CBM Global has a strong partner based approach and we are already channelling the majority of our humanitarian and development funding through national and local organisations. We have a commitment towards organizational strengthening of our partners and the diversification of income streams, including accessing direct financing from donors. CBM Global is advocating to donors on the need to increase funding allocations to national and local NGOs and to address any donor compliance requirements which can be a hindrance to this process. 

Point 2. Reaffirm the Principles of Partnership [1]

The Charter4Change Principles of Partnership closely align with CBM Global’s own partnership principles which were developed in close consultation with our partners. CBM Global is embedding our partnership principles across all of our work and relationships.

Point 3. Increase transparency around resource transfers to national and local NGOs

CBM Global is committing to documenting and publicizing our implementing partners through our website, social media and annual reporting.  

Point 4. Stop undermining local capacity

CBM Global has HR procedures in place that pursue open and fair recruitment processes. We are very conscious of the negative impacts on national and local organisations if their capacity is undermined by INGO or UN recruitment processes.

Point 5. Emphasise the importance of national actors

CBM Global will continue to pursue our partner based approach and we’ll advocate this approach to donors as part of our advocacy on inclusive development and inclusive humanitarian action.  

Point 6. Address subcontracting

Participation through all stages of the project cycle is a core component of CBM Global’s partnership approach. CBM Global will ensure a clear and mutually agreed rationale for partner engagement in all aspects of project cycle management, including clear criteria for roles of partner and sub partner.          

Point 7. Robust organisational support and capacity strengthening

CBM Global is currently developing a specific strategy for defining and resourcing our approach to partner organizational strengthening. We are seeking to consistently include budget provisions for organisational strengthening and recognition of core running costs as a necessary component of project management.

Point 8. Communication to the media and the public about partners

CBM Global in all our communication is committed to modelling and promoting the strategic role of local and national actors in achieving locally led inclusive development and inclusive humanitarian action.

[1] principlesofpartnership (icvanetwork.org)

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