With partnership sitting at the heart of CBM Global’s values and strategy, in 2022 we continued to pursue a wide range of strategic partnerships at the global and regional levels, as well as in the countries where we work. These included the following:
International Disability Alliance (IDA) pursuing a range of shared strategic objectives which contribute to more effective development and humanitarian outcomes for people with disabilities and OPDs and building on a long history of close collaboration.
World Blind Union (WBU) working together to ensure the foundational right of accessibility is in place. This included the ongoing promotion of AccessibilityGO! A Guide to Action, a joint resource that provides practical support on how to deliver a whole-of-organisation approach towards accessibility.
World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) formalised a new Memorandum of Understanding focusing on how both organisations can work together to ensure the foundational right of access to national sign languages is available for deaf people all over the world.
Pacific Disability Forum (PDF) collaborating in programmes, advocacy and delivery of inclusion advice across the Pacific region.
European Disability Forum (EDF) CBM Global is an associate member of EDF, working in partnership with the organisation on a range of issues, including a major focus on climate and disability.
SeeYou Foundation working together on disability rights and advocacy; promotion of disability inclusion in development and humanitarian action; inclusive eye health, strengthening national eye health systems, improving access to comprehensive inclusive eye health services; and resource mobilisation through joint activities.
HelpAge International promoting age and disability inclusion in the humanitarian sector, pursuing the delivery of joint inclusion advice to other organisations – bringing together age and disability inclusion – in humanitarian and development settings.
International Organisation for Migration (IOM) supporting the engagement and participation of people with disabilities and their representative organisations in humanitarian action through capacity building and grants allocation.