Enhancing our Preparedness and Response to Humanitarian Crises
In 2022, CBM Global delivered humanitarian assistance to six humanitarian crises:
- Bangladesh: Rohingya refugee (Cox’s Bazar)
- Kenya: Food crisis (Meru, Tharaka and Turkana)
- Burkina Faso: Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and food crisis (Nord Region)
- Madagascar: Food crisis (Anosy Region)
- Philippines: Typhoon Odette
- Indonesia: Earthquake (Cianjur, Central Java)
In these responses, we kept raising awareness and advocating for disability-inclusive practices through the coordination mechanisms and we provided rehabilitation services, mental health and psychosocial support, food distribution, multipurpose cash assistance and other basic needs with a total funding of €3,758,000.
Although CBM Global did not directly respond to the refugee crisis created by the Ukraine war, we worked closely with the European Disability Forum (EDF) and supported their response through technical assistance on Inclusive Cash Programming.
In parallel, we continued our efforts to strengthen CBM Global country teams to be ready to respond with partners through the development of country humanitarian strategies and plans (Nepal, Philippines, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh).
Finally, our commitment to accountability to affected populations and quality programming led us to undertake a Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) self-assessment, the findings of which have been used to develop an improvement plan to be implemented in 2023.
OPDs and mainstream actors’ capacity strengthening and engagement in inclusive humanitarian action
Our commitment to keep sharing knowledge and capacity with OPDs in humanitarian action took new momentum through the implementation of the joint CBM Global/IDA/UNICEF USAID Bridge Article 11 project. Seven OPD fellows were recruited and trained and regional awareness-raising sessions were conducted to prepare for the three 2023 Regional Bridge Article 11 trainings.
CBM Global continued implementing a project initiated in 2021 aiming at strengthening the capacity of OPDs in applying the IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action in three different contexts (Fiji, Bangladesh and Nigeria). OPD mappings in all contexts were concluded with the hope that they will be used by the sector to enhance collaboration and communication between OPDs and mainstream actors.
Finally, as part of our partnership with IOM, CBM Global delivered a series of training on inclusive Cash and Voucher Assistance to IOM staff
Awareness raising, development and promotion of learning materials
During the Humanitarian Network and Partnership Week (HNPW), CBM Global continued for its second year to advocate for disability inclusion in cash programming as one of the fastest-growing assistance modalities in humanitarian action over the past five years. This time we organised a session jointly with IOM and CaLP that looked at the extra costs of disability. To continue our thought leadership in this area, at the end of 2022, we secured funding and initiated a new project to develop an e-learning tool on Inclusive Cash and Voucher Assistance which we intend to launch at the end of 2023.
Finally, we developed new content and translations of the Humanitarian Hands-On Tool (HHoT) and Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Tool (iDRR) apps into new languages such as Ukrainian, French and Bangla.
External engagement
In 2022, CBM Global became a Board Member of SPHERE which presents a fantastic opportunity to influence the main Humanitarian Standards initiative to advocate for the centrality of inclusion in quality programming.
CBM Global, together with UNICEF and IDA, continued to effectively co-chair the Disability Reference Group (DRG) membership, which grew to more than 300 individuals representing more than 92 organisations (including donors). This also included bringing together multiple stakeholders each month to share their work on a range of topics related to disability inclusion, as well as raising awareness throughout the organisation of several online events at HNPW and COSP and inputting into different Global processes (i.e., the development of the 2023 UN Development and Disability Report or the CHS revision process).
In addition, CBM Global continued supporting the representation of the Humanitarian Inclusion Standards at the Humanitarian Standard Partnership platform, chairing the Elrha DOAI Technical Working Group, engaging in the Global Shelter Cluster Disability Working Group supporting the revision of the All Under One Roof Guidelines, and engaging in the CaLP Technical Advisory Group.