CBM Global launches Inclusive Data Charter Action Plan

News | May 28, 2024

CBM Global recently launched our 2024-2026 Inclusive Data Charter action plan to strengthen data collection, collect high-quality data on persons with disabilities, and advocate for more data on persons with disabilities to measure the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals. All this work is done in partnership with organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs).

David Bainbridge, CBM Global’s Executive Director, shares, “We are very pleased to launch our Inclusive Data Charter action plan. There is an urgent need for disability data to understand the real situation of persons with disabilities, to identify gaps that are not addressed through policies, and to provide examples of success. Yet there remains a pervasive lack of disability data, and this has adverse consequences.” 

To address these critical data gaps, CBM Global aligns with the Inclusive Data Charter principles around inclusive data in the following ways:

  • commit to leaving no one behind, which is reflected in both our vision and mission statement and in our programmatic strategy and programme quality framework;
  • appropriately and effectively use disaggregated data to improve gaps in our programmes with respect to groups left furthest behind;
  • highlight the importance of community-driven and citizen-generated data, including in a humanitarian context;
  • support advocacy initiatives that call for inclusive data that promotes transparency, and also recognise the need for protection and confidentiality; and
  • recognise the need for strengthening our organisation’s data skills and that this is also critical for our partners.

As background, in May 2021, CBM Global joined the Inclusive Data Charter and subsequently we created an internal data working group with one of its main objectives to develop our action plan. The working group is co-chaired by Elizabeth Lockwood (advocacy), Robert Donnelly (programmes), and Sander Schot (advisory). Our planned work and activities listed in the action plan reflect the aforementioned principles, and we are currently implementing the work and will monitor it as time goes on.

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