Our Strategy

Formed in 2019, CBM Global is a new federation of CBM Members. 

Our vision is an inclusive world in which all people with disabilities enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential.
We are driven by our mission: Fighting to end the cycle of poverty and disability.

CBM Global Federation members are:

CBM Australia

CBM Ireland  

CBM Kenya   

CBM New Zealand  

CBM Switzerland  


CBM Global works alongside and is accountable to people with disabilities in the world’s poorest places. We work with the most marginalised in society to:

  • Break the cycle of poverty and disability
  • Treat and prevent conditions that lead to disability
  • Build inclusive communities where everyone can enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential

  • We champion inclusion
  • We strive for justice
  • We embrace partnership
  • We pursue excellence
  • We live with integrity
Read more about our values

Our work and world-leading expertise is focused on four core areas:

Community-based inclusive development

Establishing the foundations for inclusion in communities, improving access to inclusive education, employment and healthcare, and improving the quality of life for women, men and children with disabilities and their families. We use evidence and learning from our community-based work to support the disability movement in advocating for inclusive national laws and policies and achieving global change.

Humanitarian action

Supporting and facilitating locally driven, people-centred, timely, appropriate, and effective humanitarian assistance to the poorest and most at-risk men, women and children affected by disaster events, and reducing the risk of disasters. This support is delivered in partnership with Organisations of People with Disabilities (OPDs) and in close coordination with the humanitarian sector at global, regional, national, and local levels.

Inclusive eye health and neglected tropical diseases

Improving access to inclusive and comprehensive eye health services for all, strengthening national eye health systems, making services affordable and accessible to the poorest and most marginalised people, and helping eliminate neglected tropical diseases.

Community mental health

Promoting good mental health, challenging the exclusion of people with psychosocial disabilities, and strengthening mental health systems, so that mental health needs are recognised and addressed as part of a comprehensive approach to wellbeing and inclusion.

These core areas of work are delivered in an integrated way through a combination of community-based programmes, advocacy activities and the provision of advisory support to other organisations that wish to ensure their own policies and programmes are inclusive of people with disabilities.

CBM Global works with and supports Organisations of People with Disabilities (OPDs) to ensure we meet the needs of and are accountable to the individuals and communities we serve. Our advocacy supports and amplifies the voices of people with disabilities, from community to global level. Our advisory approach is undertaken with the best technical experts on disability inclusion – people with disabilities themselves.

Our Achievements in 2022

1. Completion of transition

In 2019 the former CBM Christoffel-Blindenmission Christian Blind Mission e.V. (CBM International) Federation comprised 10 Members, divided into two separate entities, CBM International (into which CBM Germany and the former CBM US activities were merged) and CBM Global Disability Inclusion, which established itself as a new Federation.

A two-year transition period for the new entity commenced on January 1, 2020. During this 24-month period, CBM Global undertook the foundational work required to operate as a stand-alone INGO, including preparations to take on the management and support of country offices where the CBM Global Federation is engaged. Most of the transition work concluded before the end of 2021, with all of the necessary policies, procedures and systems put in place and 9 out of 11 country offices transferred to CBM Global. The transfer of the remaining two countries, Bangladesh and Zimbabwe, was achieved in February and July 2022 respectively.

CBM Global Kenya staff with albinism kneels as he speaks to a Maasai elderly woman who is sitting in front of a tree. Joining them are two children.

2. Rebalancing power in our partnerships

CBM Global is committed to authentic partnership and ensuring strong representation of people with disabilities and voices from the Global South at all levels within our work. We continued to push forward through the year with our power shift commitments, building on a long history of operating as a partner-based organisation rather than implementing directly. Embracing Partnership is one of our core organisational values. We have defined six CBM Global partnership principles that ground all we do: complementarity of purpose, inclusiveness, responsiveness and flexibility, mutual responsibility and accountability, trust and respect, and joint learning. 

3. Pursuing strategic partnerships

With partnership sitting at the heart of CBM Global’s values and strategy, in 2022 we continued to pursue a wide range of strategic partnerships at the global and regional levels, as well as in the countries where we work.

David Bainbridge, ED of CBM Global and Justin Derbyshire, CEO of HelpAge International with the newly signed MoU
From left to right: Tushar Wali, Kirsty Smith, and Mark Barrell stands infront of the "Welcome to the Green Zone" signage at COP 27.

4. Pursuing inclusive climate action

Through a federation climate advocacy group in 2022, we worked with our OPD partners and allies to influence stakeholders to address the current policy gaps in climate policy by contributing case studies from the countries we work in. One of these case studies was presented by a representative from our Nepal country team at the Bonn Climate Conference in June 2022.  Along with our case study, we also commissioned participatory research led by persons with disabilities and OPDs and launched the research at the UN Climate Conference (COP27). In recognition of our growing body of advocacy work, we were honoured to be invited as a member of the Disability Advisory Board of Global Greengrants. Working with Global Greengrants Fund and other advisory board members is important to be able to engage with a wide network of grassroots OPDs for influencing change. 

5. Scaling up our inclusion advisory work

Inclusion advice, provided through our Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) is one of CBM Global’s vehicles of change and a major growth area. We partner with the disability movement to influence organisations, institutions and systems to realise the rights of people with disabilities. We believe that tailored input – communicated effectively, with the right people at the table – can help make inclusion a reality.

Cucu Saida, CBM Global Disability Inclusion Advisor in Indonesia, talking. She is using a hand gesture as she speaks. Cucu is a wheelchair user.